Gogol Bordello – Києве Мій (Kyiv My Dear) – single

5.00 $

(All proceeds go to support Ukraine)

Gogol Bordello – Києве Мій (Kyiv My Dear)

All proceeds go to support Ukraine

Cover – Coat of arms of Kyiv



Gogol Bordello – Києве Мій (Kyiv My Dear)

English Translation:

Green sea is playing
Quiet day is fading away
So dear have become for me
the sloping banks of Dnipro
Where branches are swaying
of amorous dreams…
How can one not not love you,
Kyiv, my dear!
Into eyes Cannas are gazing
My heart I will pour into them
Let them tell to my beloved one
How I faithfully love
I will dream and live now
On wings of my hopes…
How can one not not love you,
Kyiv, my dear!
“Dinamo from Dnipro,
Kyiv Kyiv Hey Hey”

Falling my weary city
in peaceful and gentle sleep
There lights as a necklace
Have bloomed over Dnieper

Velvet of late afternoons
Is as euphoria surf
How can one not not love you,
Kyiv, my dear!



Prints on Fabric and Textiles


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